KIYAN MEDICAL Co., Ltd. CEO Hiroyoshi Hata
Top Message

Contribution to a Sustainable Future and Realization of Innovative Healthcare

At KIYAN MEDICAL Co., Ltd., as pioneers in the pharmaceutical industry, we are deeply committed to fulfilling our role in society with a keen awareness of its significance. Our existence as an entity originating from a pharmaceutical company goes beyond merely manufacturing and providing medications; we bear a larger social responsibility. We are continuously striving to build a healthy and sustainable future.

Our approach to research and development is rooted in innovative scientific inquiry. We aim to implement cutting-edge technology and research findings in society, contributing to the improvement of people’s quality of life and the advancement of public health. In this process, we engage in activities deeply aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), proposing solutions to global health issues.

By bridging scientific inquiry and social responsibility, we aim to make a significant contribution to society. Our role in the pharmaceutical industry is not limited to developing treatments for diseases but also actively involves preventing diseases and promoting health. Our research aims to enrich people’s lives directly, and its results have a ripple effect that benefits society as a whole.

To fulfill this responsibility, we deepen our cooperative relationships with a diverse range of stakeholders, aiming to address broader social issues through the sharing of knowledge and technology. The path to a sustainable future cannot be built overnight; it requires relentless effort and long-term commitment. KIYAN MEDICAL is on this lengthy journey, and our mission lies in delivering true value to society.

The future we aim for is filled with health, sustainability, and medical services accessible to all on an equal basis. Toward this goal, we are advancing the social implementation of our research and taking firm steps toward realizing sustainable healthcare.

CEO Hiroyoshi Hata

Academic Advisor Message

Regarding appointment as advisor of Kiyan Medical Co., Ltd.

Upon my appointment as an advisor to KIYAN MEDICAL Co., Ltd., I, Hideto Kojima from the Shiga University of Medical Science’s Regenerative Medicine Initiative, am filled with deep gratitude and great anticipation for this new stage. I have spent many years exploring the path to a fundamental treatment for diabetes, a disease considered incurable once diagnosed. We have sought to uncover why it is deemed “incurable,” searching for answers and exploring methods of treatment.

My research journey began early in my career as a physician with studies on diabetes. Over the course of more than 30 years of research, I have arrived at the concept of “diabetes stem cells.” Once these cells are produced in the body, they never disappear naturally. They are akin to the worst type of cells, like cancer stem cells, born within the body. Therefore, we conducted a treatment in diabetic model animals to eliminate these “diabetes stem cells,” resulting in the complete cure of diabetes. This concept and treatment method have the potential to be applied to other chronic intractable diseases beyond diabetes, such as cancer, autoimmune diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, and ALS, with immeasurable societal impact.

Through this collaboration, I will further accelerate research to build a new era of diabetes treatment. If successful, this research could not only free diabetes patients from daily insulin injections and medication but also significantly reduce the risk of severe complications such as dialysis, blindness, myocardial infarction, and stroke. Additionally, by contributing to the reduction of medical costs, it could also help lessen the medical disparities caused by economic differences between countries. I am committed to advancing this research further, striving to mature it into a safe and accessible treatment for more patients. Our joint research will undoubtedly pave a completely new future in diabetes treatment.

This challenge will be a significant step in the medical field. Together with KIYAN MEDICAL, I will spare no effort in shaping the future of new medicine. We earnestly hope our research will bring hope to many patients and forge a path to a better future.

Academic Adviser CTO Hideto Kojima

KIYAN MEDICAL Co., Ltd. Academic Adviser CTO Hideto Kojima


Company Profile & History

As a pharmaceutical “Entity”, we’re committed to contributing to a healthy, sustainable future.

Top Message

Prioritizing research’s social implementation, we aim to shape medicine’s future and benefit society.

Brand Statement

Our essence reflects our philosophy and impact on lives through our products and technologies.

Organizational Chart

KIYAN MEDICAL consistently bridges research, manufacturing, and treatment, enhancing health care.

To All Stakeholders

Committed to stakeholders’ needs, we adapt to global changes, ensuring resilience and relevance.


Our mission is to enhance lives through impactful health products and services, promoting well-being.

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