KIYAN MEDICAL Co., Ltd. CEO Hiroyoshi Hata
KIYAN MEDICAL Co., Ltd. CEO Hiroyoshi Hata
Top Message

To All Stakeholders

KIYAN MEDICAL Co., Ltd. acknowledges its position as a pioneer in the pharmaceutical industry and values its social responsibility. We are committed to advancing research and development based on innovative scientific exploration, striving for a healthy and sustainable future that goes beyond the manufacture and provision of pharmaceuticals. This includes activities aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), aiming to contribute to solving global health issues.

Our mission is not only to develop treatments for diseases but also to engage in disease prevention and health promotion, bridging scientific exploration and social responsibility. In this process, our research outcomes directly enrich people’s lives and create ripple effects throughout society. We aim to address broad social issues by deepening cooperation with diverse stakeholders and sharing knowledge and technology.

Towards realizing a sustainable future and innovative healthcare, KIYAN MEDICAL Co., Ltd. promotes the social implementation of research and strives to build a world where accessible and equitable healthcare services are abundant. On this long journey, we reaffirm our commitment to strengthening our collaboration with stakeholders and jointly providing true value to society.

Global Target Population for Diabetes and Cancer Treatments (as of January 2024)

Global Target Population for Diabetes and Cancer Treatments (as of January 2024)

For those waiting for the social implementation of our research

For those waiting for the social implementation of our research

Diabetes Patients
Diabetes Patients
Newly Diagnosed with Cancer
Newly Diagnosed with Cancer
medical expenses per person in Japan

To All Stakeholders

Towards our goals for value creation and societal implementation.

Investor Relations Materials
IR Material Room

Presentation materials, development product list, integrated reports, etc.


Status of new product development (development pipeline).

Financial Reports
Financial Information

Electronic public notices, financial information, business reports, etc.


Company Profile & History

As a pharmaceutical “Entity”, we’re committed to contributing to a healthy, sustainable future.

Top Message

Prioritizing research’s social implementation, we aim to shape medicine’s future and benefit society.

Brand Statement

Our essence reflects our philosophy and impact on lives through our products and technologies.

Organizational Chart

KIYAN MEDICAL consistently bridges research, manufacturing, and treatment, enhancing health care.

To All Stakeholders

Committed to stakeholders’ needs, we adapt to global changes, ensuring resilience and relevance.


Our mission is to enhance lives through impactful health products and services, promoting well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions about KIYAN MEDICAL Co., Ltd.

Privacy Policy

A policy aligned with the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information” governs our handling of personal data.