Development of Diagnostic Drugs for Diabetes

Development of Diagnostic Drugs for Diabetes

Diabetes is typically diagnosed by measuring blood glucose levels. However, this only provides a probable diagnosis of diabetes, with no definitive method to determine the presence of the disease. With the discovery of diabetes stem cells, we are now able to develop companion diagnostic drugs that diagnose diabetes by detecting the presence of diabetes stem cells in peripheral blood.

“Indelible Memory” of Diabetes

Research on diabetic mice has revealed abnormal cells producing proinsulin and TNF-α in various organs. These abnormal cells are bone marrow-derived and found in Kupffer cells and stellate cells in the liver, ICC cells of Cajal in the intestines, microglia in the brain, osteoclasts in the bones, adipocytes, tissue macrophages, and vascular endothelial cells in the kidneys.

Investigations revealed that these abnormal cells originate from CD106-positive cells within short-term hematopoietic stem cells. The abnormality in these stem cells causes dysfunction in organs throughout the body, with cells that are supposed to regenerate damaged tissues losing their function due to diabetes.

We named this phenomenon “diabetes stem cells.” These cells remain in the body as the “indelible memory” of diabetes, exacerbating the disease. Abnormal stem cells increase with each high blood glucose episode, leading to vascular damage and organ dysfunction.

Our body has three homeostasis maintenance mechanisms: the nervous system, the immune system, and the endocrine system. We propose a fourth homeostasis system, the regeneration system, topped by long-term hematopoietic stem cells. Diabetes disrupts this regeneration system, making it an “incurable disease.”

In an experimentally created model of diabetic neuropathy, it was confirmed that removing the hyperglycemic trigger and eliminating the diabetes stem cells (pathological CD106-positive hematopoietic stem cells) can lead to healing. This means that diabetes persists as long as these diabetes stem cells exist.

Based on this knowledge, we are developing diagnostic drugs aimed at the early detection and removal of diabetes stem cells. The advent of these new diagnostic drugs could lead to fundamental treatments for diabetes, bringing hope to many patients.

“Indelible Memory” of Diabetes

Discovery of the Cause of Diabetes

Discovery of Diabetes Stem Cells

Abnormal cells causing diabetes and its complications discovered in hematopoietic stem cells.

Complete Remission of Diabetes

Establishing a treatment method using “HDAC inhibitors” + “insulin.”

Diagnostic Drugs for Diabetes

Developing companion diagnostic drugs to diagnose diabetes based on the presence of diabetes stem cells in peripheral blood.

Biozipcode (Cell Targeting Technology)

Biozipcode (Cell Targeting Technology)

An innovative system for delivering drugs exclusively to specific cells in the body.

New Diabetes Cure Drugs

Development of entirely new diabetes cure drugs using Biozipcode.

Anti-Cancer Drugs with No Side Effects

Development of new drugs using Biozipcode and reuse of drugs previously unusable due to side effects.

Tissue Regeneration via Cell Targeting

Development of materials for tissue regeneration that can engraft onto tissues without needing transplants or sutures.