KIYAN MEDICAL Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy

Personal Information Protection Policy

A privacy policy is a document that outlines the rules and policies for handling personal information. It is used by website operators and business operators to disclose the types of personal information collected from users, the purpose of collection, methods of use, whether the information will be provided to third parties, the measures taken to protect the information, and the rights of the users, thereby ensuring transparency. In today’s society, where the protection of personal information is highly valued, the privacy policy is an important tool for gaining the trust of users, and its publication is mandated by law in many countries and regions.

KIYAN MEDICAL Co., Ltd. Privacy Policy

KIYAN MEDICAL Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) establishes this Privacy Policy to ensure the appropriate handling of personal information, based on the Personal Information Protection Law (Japan Law No. 57 of 2003).

  1. Company Overview

    Name: KIYAN MEDICAL Co., Ltd.
    Address: 6-2-6 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083, 8th Floor PMO Kojimachi
    Representative: CEO Akira Suzuki

  2. Compliance with Laws and Guidelines

    We comply with the Personal Information Protection Law and related laws, as well as guidelines from the Personal Information Protection Commission, ensuring accurate and proper handling of personal information.

  3. Acquisition and Use of Personal Information

    We clearly state the purpose of use when acquiring personal information, obtaining it through legal and fair means. Acquired personal information will be used appropriately within the scope of its intended purpose.

  4. Purpose of Use of Personal Information

    We use information about our customers for the following purposes:

  • Service provision such as customer support, product development, and advertisement delivery
  • Business-related communications, contract fulfillment, negotiations, etc.
  • Management of transaction information
  • Contact and information provision to applicants in recruitment activities, and other recruitment-related uses
  • Improving website usability, analysis of advertising effectiveness
  • Prevention and response to fraudulent activities
  • Other improvements to customer services
  1. Joint Use of Personal Information

    We may jointly use personal information with business partners within the scope stated below, ensuring proper management during such use.
    ・Business partners listed on our website, etc.

  2. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

    We will provide personal information to third parties only under specific conditions, such as with customer consent or under the law.
    ・Business partners listed on our website, etc.

  3. Safety Management Measures

    We take appropriate safety management measures to prevent leakage or loss of personal data.

  4. Requests for Disclosure of Personal Information

    We will respond appropriately to requests from customers for disclosure or correction of their personal information.

  5. Contact Information

    Address: 6-2-6 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083, 8th Floor PMO Kojimachi
    Phone Number: +81-3-5367-8618
    Reception Hours: 10:30 to 16:30 (Monday to Friday, excluding holidays and New Year holidays)

This privacy policy serves as a foundation to deepen the trust relationship with our customers and to provide better services.

Established on October 25, 2023


Company Profile & History

As a pharmaceutical “Entity”, we’re committed to contributing to a healthy, sustainable future.

Top Message

Prioritizing research’s social implementation, we aim to shape medicine’s future and benefit society.

Brand Statement

Our essence reflects our philosophy and impact on lives through our products and technologies.

Organizational Chart

KIYAN MEDICAL consistently bridges research, manufacturing, and treatment, enhancing health care.

To All Stakeholders

Committed to stakeholders’ needs, we adapt to global changes, ensuring resilience and relevance.


Our mission is to enhance lives through impactful health products and services, promoting well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions about KIYAN MEDICAL Co., Ltd.

Privacy Policy

A policy aligned with the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information” governs our handling of personal data.