Brand Statement


In Arabic, “KIYAN” means “existence,” “essence,” and “entity.” This company name symbolizes the underlying philosophy of our business, the goals we strive for, and the profound impact our products and technology have on people’s lives.

  • Being a deep-rooted “Existence” in people’s lives

  • Pursuing the “Essence” of pharmaceuticals and technology
  • Playing the role of an “Entity” in society

Logo Mark

Our logo represents the pursuit of the essence of life and biological activity, embodying the image of all life on Earth infinitely layering, harmonizing, and circulating, with an ∞ symbol tilted at approximately 23.4 degrees (the Earth’s axis of rotation) to conceptually express the connections and cycles of life in a global model.

The Word “KIYAN” (كيان)

KIYAN refers to any “existence” – it may be something that actually exists or something imaginary, something concrete or abstract. This includes not only living beings but also natural features like mountains and rivers, objects such as desks and chairs, mathematical numbers and sets, and even human-created rules and organizations like laws and companies, and academic fields. In other words, KIYAN represents a broad range of “things” and “matters,” encompassing not only visible entities but also invisible ones like ideas and concepts.


Being a deeply rooted “existence” in people’s lives

As the KIYAN pharmaceutical group, we hope to be a deeply rooted existence in people’s lives, improving their health and quality of life. Our aim is for our products and services to become indispensable in daily life, providing a foundation for people’s health.

35 Years

Over 35 years of research and development


Pharmaceutical production facility
KIYAN Over 35 years of research and development

Pursuing the “Essence” of pharmaceuticals and medical technology

Beyond simply providing a means to treat diseases, this signifies our contribution to improving people’s health comprehensively and enhancing their quality of life. The “essence” of pharmaceuticals and medical technology lies in accompanying people’s lives and realizing a richer, healthier life.

KIYAN Pharma Fukuroi Factory
KIYAN Pharma Fukuroi Factory

Essential amino acids for life

The 5-ALA produced by KIYAN Pharma is one of the natural amino acids that have existed on Earth since its primordial period 3.6 billion years ago, deeply related to the origin of life.

Hiroshi Hata CEO, and Hideto Kojima Academic Advisor
Hiroshi Hata, CEO, and Hideto Kojima, Academic Advisor

Research on Fundamental Treatment

We are advancing research to develop a cure for diabetes, aiming to completely cure the disease rather than just offering symptomatic treatment.

Shiga University of Medical Science, Department of Regenerative Medicine
Shiga University of Medical Science, Department of Regenerative Medicine

Unveiling the “Scene” and “Essence”

The proverb “seeing is believing” means that seeing something with your own eyes is more certain and understandable than hearing about it multiple times from others.

ENDO2024 Poster Session Hideto Kojima
ENDO2024 Poster Session

Study sessions in the medical field

We never miss study sessions that cover not only curing diseases but also understanding their causes and how to diagnose them, from research and development to clinical practice.

At ENDO2024 (Director Fumihisa Kojima, Scientific Advisor Hideto Kojima)
At ENDO2024 (Director Fumihisa Kojima, Scientific Advisor Hideto Kojima)

Playing the role of an “entity” in society

“KIYAN” also encompasses the meaning of “entity.” It symbolizes the role we are expected to play in society, deeply committing to being an “entity” that contributes to society and builds a healthy, sustainable future.

Dr. Kojima & Sons: Professor Hideto Kojima, who revolutionized diabetes treatment and cell targeting technology, and Fumihisa Kojima, a leading expert in bioinformatics and computer science. Their research and technologies bring new light to the medical world, leading the future of healthcare. Their expertise and passion continue to give hope to countless patients.

Our Aspirations for “KIYAN”

In Japan, concepts like “existence” and “essence” hold significant meaning in everyday life and culture. Japanese aesthetics such as “mono no aware” and “wabi-sabi” resonate with valuing the depth of existence and the beauty of essence. The company name “KIYAN” is deeply rooted in this understanding of Japanese culture, symbolizing how we accompany people’s lives and contribute to their health and happiness.

We promise to continue providing products and services that contribute to people’s health and happiness, reflecting the profound meanings behind our company name in all aspects of life. Through our products and services, we aim to bring true value to people’s lives and contribute to the overall improvement of society’s health.

Hiroshi Hata, CEO, and Hideto Kojima, Academic Advisor
Hiroshi Hata, CEO, and Hideto Kojima, Academic Advisor


Company Profile & History

As a pharmaceutical “Entity”, we’re committed to contributing to a healthy, sustainable future.

Top Message

Prioritizing research’s social implementation, we aim to shape medicine’s future and benefit society.

Brand Statement

Our essence reflects our philosophy and impact on lives through our products and technologies.

Organizational Chart

KIYAN MEDICAL consistently bridges research, manufacturing, and treatment, enhancing health care.

To All Stakeholders

Committed to stakeholders’ needs, we adapt to global changes, ensuring resilience and relevance.


Our mission is to enhance lives through impactful health products and services, promoting well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions about KIYAN MEDICAL Co., Ltd.

Privacy Policy

A policy aligned with the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information” governs our handling of personal data.